bandeau texte musicologie

Aristocratic Women Amateurs and the Politics of Virtuosity: Placing the 18th-century Pardessus de Viole in its Social and Cultural Context

14 juin 2017, Boston
Call for Papers
A symposium at the Boston Early Music Festival
DEADLINE: February 15, 2017

VENUE: Boston Early Music Festival, Courtyard Marriott Boston Downtown, Boston, MA

The symposium is part of a celebration of the pardessus de viole. The other two components are a concert and a session of lecture demonstrations*.

Sample topics:

Thirty minutes will be allotted for each paper: 20 minutes for the presentation itself and 10 minutes for a discussion period. Scholarly papers may include musical examples, live or recorded. No harpsichord will be available.

ABSTRACT DEADLINE: Please submit individual abstracts (no more than 500 words) by February 15, 2017, electronically to tinachancey -at- In the body of the email please include your name, academic affiliation, status (grad student, faculty, professional performer, independent scholar), phone number and any additional e-mail addresses, and technical requirements (CD or DVD player, computer and projector for Power Point presentations, white board). Please also list any other musicians who will be taking part in your presentation.

*NOTE: We are also seeking pardessus and quinton players to present informal, interactive lecture demonstrations with a balance of spoken text and live music, spotlighting a particular repertoire, composer or performance practice issue. A harpsichord will be available. Length: 30 minutes. Please contact Tina Chancey at tinachancey -at- .

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Mercredi 22 Novembre, 2023