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Music composition in Chile: Tendencies, conflicts and perspectives

24-25 November 2017 - Vienna, Austria

International Society for Chilean Music Vienna - Austria |
SIMUC’s International Musicology Conference

The International Society for Chilean Music (SIMUC) invites musicologists, researchers and musicians to participate and present in its first International Musicology Conference, which will take place on November 24 and 25, 2017, in Vienna, Austria.

Music composition in Chile was during most of the 20th century an academic practice. Most Chilean composers officially considered as such were and have been university professors, and it is common in Chile to define contemporary classical music simply as “academic music”. However, since the return to democracy three decades ago, new scenes and movements have reshaped this panorama: music composition is taught in more places, state funding has supported music composition beyond academia, and new generations have been trying to escape old practices in different ways. An important number of Chilean composers have also studied or work abroad, mainly in Europe. In the year 2016, the election of Vicente Bianchi as the first non-academic composer recipient of the National Prize for Music, created an important crisis about who is or can be a composer, and how music composition has been defined in the last century. This first SIMUC musicology conference takes this “crisis” of local music composition, and the idea and practice of the composer in Chile and of Chilean music, to discuss the discipline, creators, relations with audiences and the space institutions occupy today in the world of music creation.

The language of the conference will be English.

This call is meant for researchers, scholars and musicians in general (including composers) who would like to share their thoughts, research or ideas about music composition in Chile, considering its current and past tendencies, conflicts and perspectives. Some of the questions we want to explore in the conference are: Who has written music in Chile, and why? How has music composition been defined in Chile, and by whom? Who is considered a composer in Chile? What could be considered Chilean in the written music tradition of Chile, and what would be a Chilean music composition? Is there an identity of Chilean music composition? How have these problems changed in time? We invite you to address these problems from your own perspective, either including specific cases, your personal experience or through a more general approach.
Some possible subjects to explore are:

    1. Composers and music composition in Chile
    2. Problems of identity in Chilean music composition
    3. Ways in which “composer” and “composition” have been defined in Chile
    4. Comparisons with other cases abroad
    5. Relations between Chilean written music traditions and other styles
    6. Organization and politics of creation of academic music in Chile
    7. Current and future perspectives for music composition in and from Chile
  1. The presentation will be 15 minutes long with time for questions afterwards.
  2. If selected, the participation in the conference is free.
  3. Those selected will have to cover all their expenses (travel and lodging).
  4. There will be food in the conference.
  5. Selected presentations will be included in the conference proceedings, which will be printed alongside commentaries and pictures of the event.
  6. For SIMUC Members the application is free (more information about how to become a member on, or writing to, otherwise there is an

administrative fee of € 20.

  1. The conference might be partially filmed, or streamed, and the participant accepts this when sending a proposal.


  1. Proposals will be received until Wednesday, September 20, 2017.
  2. The results will be communicated on Saturday, September 30, 2017.
  3. The conference will take place on November 24 and 25, 2017.


  1. Title and abstract (250 words) of the presentation.
  2. Short biography (200 words).
  3. Please use this form to apply

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Dimanche 12 Novembre, 2023