bandeau actu musicologie

Why look back? The seductive power of the musical past

30 août-1er septembrer 2017, Utrecht
Tivoli Vredenburg, Utrecht Early Music Festival, The Netherlands
Call for Papers / STIMU Young Scholars Award - deadline: 15 May 2017

For more than 20 years, the Utrecht Early Music Festival (FOMU) has worked together with STIMU in organizing workshops, conferences and master classes relating to historically inspired performance practice. This year's STIMU Symposium, which takes place from 30 August to 1 September 2017, is entitled Why look back? The seductive power of the musical past. It thematizes the cultural forces and attitudes that have shaped the current revival of early music. Curators are Peter Holman and Jed Wentz.

The STIMU Symposium curators again encourage young scholars and researching performers to use the STIMU Symposium as a forum for intellectual growth, networking and career development.

Apply for 2017

The STIMU Symposium invites proposals for

- Individual papers: 20 minutes, with 10 minutes for questions at the end.

- Lecture recitals: 30 minutes, with 10 minutes for questions at the end.

Young scholars currently enrolled in a master or doctoral programme (either at conservatory or university level), or who recently completed their studies, may apply to speak in the Festival Symposium. Young scholars whose work is accepted will receive travel expenses and accommodation in Utrecht during the course of the Symposium.

Applicants may propose a lecture on any topic, but those relating to the symposium theme (the contextualization of the revival of early music itself) will be given preference. Early manifestations of the revival, including 18th- and 19th-century practices and practitioners, are considered particularly attractive topics.

Applications should consist of a proposal of a maximum of 250 words and a short biographical sketch, and can be sent to j.wentz -at- by 15 May 2017 at the latest.

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Mercredi 22 Novembre, 2023